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The Evolving European Bus Market: Insights from the 2023 Bus Fleet Survey

The European bus market is undergoing significant changes as fleets expand and adopt cleaner technologies. Despite the challenges of improving sustainability, the 2023 Bus Fleet Survey reveals positive trends in the sector.

This survey, part of the ASSURED project and building on the ZeEUS project and its e-Bus reports, offers a comprehensive look at the market’s evolution. The 2022 Clean Bus Report by UITP highlighted the importance of such resources in a data-scarce industry, helping track critical trends.

Conducted by the UITP Vehicles and Equipment Industry Committee, the 2023 survey emphasizes the need for realistic targets and feasible capacity expectations. With ambitious sustainability goals set for 2025 and 2030, the insights from this survey are vital for understanding both the achievements and challenges ahead for the European bus sector.


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